Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Santa take 3

We visited Santa last weekend and Nola was really excited.  I was anxious to find out how she was going to react this year after crying last year and the year before.  She has been talking about Santa a lot and even asked to visit the one at the mall while we were shopping last week.  So, with high hopes, we dressed her up in an outfit that I wore as a toddler and headed down to Lincoln.  

The good news: she didn't cry.  The bad news: she wouldn't sit on his lap.  Honestly, I don't even care because look how cute this picture is?!?!?

She was hiding from him.  She did talk to him a little, gave him a high-five, and showed him her kitten.

We stayed for a few minutes and then she was ready to leave.  We spent the rest of the weekend celebrating Robert's birthday.

I love that Nola is starting to understand what's going on, especially during this time of the year.  She even saw a worker at Sam's that looked like Santa and asked him for a pink pony for Christmas, it was pretty cute.  She's growing up so fast!

Did I mention she's potty trained?  :)

1 comment:

  1. Too stinkin' cute!!!!! Best santa/kid picture ever. xo
