Turk is 9 months (and 22 days.......) old!

So I'm a little behind with the update this month, but I did take the 9 month pictures on time! And let me tell you, it was a challenge. That is one squirmy baby!
This was a big month! At his check up he was 30 inches tall and 22 lbs 5 oz. His second tooth showed up on August 12th and he started crawling on August 16th. And when I say crawl, I mean crawl! That kid looks like a spider. Expect with less legs, and less terrifying, and soooooo much cuter.
Nola and Turk still adore each other. Nola is asking to play with him and hold him more and more each day. She still needs a lot of reminders to be careful. So far she really hasn't showed any signs of jealousy (knock on wood).
Robert got my Grandpa's wagon restore and we had pictures taken with it and my Grandparents. This is a picture when Rob brought the wagon home. I'm excited to see the professional ones!
Turk started pulling himself up on labor day but has only done it a few times. He's still eating everything we give him, but hasn't been a fan of the food with chunks in it or finger food.
He is a BIG fan of his mother. We are getting to the stage where I'm just about the only person he is content with. I don't remember Nola being as bad, but I'm still nursing Turk a few times a day so that might have something to do with it. I've heard him say "Mama" a few times when he is reaching out for me but can't tell if it's on purpose or just well timed babbling.
He's taking a shorter nap in the morning and a longer one in the afternoon. He's still waking up at least once at night but sometimes falls back asleep before I get him.
He's smiley and curious. He's cuddling and clingy. He's active and so so cute.
It's pretty much impossible to get anything done with Turk around, but I don't mind too much.
And he's holding his own bottle! Hallelujah!
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