Friday, July 29, 2016

Butler County Fair and Parade

The Butler County Fair was last weekend and it's just a block away.  We enjoyed the fireworks from our living room on Thursday and went to the fair on Saturday.  It was HOT!!!

Nola loves the rides.  She was tall enough to ride some of the bigger rides this year.  She rode the spinning thing and the bumper cars with Robert.  Turk and I just watched.

We played a few games and explored the buildings. 

One of the buildings had faceprinting and we got there just in time.  We only waited a few minutes and by the time we were done there were 15 kids in line. 

This was the first time she's ever let someone paint her face.  It was really cute, but she wiped her face a few minutes after and smeared it.  Then I had to wash it off in the bath and OMG.  That kid is a DRAMA QUEEN!!!

The parade was Sunday and we thought it would be fun to be in it!  Robert wants to do more work in the DC area, so it was great free advertising.  Robert's family came up to help out and a couple of my friends came down from Columbus to help hand out flyers.  

Nola, Robert, and Jennie threw out candy from the bed of the truck while we passed out flyers.  Now that we know how the whole parade thing works, I think we might attach the flyers to the candy next year.  I was walking real fast to keep up!  We ran out of flyers about 3/4 of the way through.  We made 400!  

Nola wanted to wear a princess dress.  Why not?  Every parade needs a princess. 

Click here for last year's fair fun and here for the year before.  Another successful and HOTTTT fair/parade!  

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