Let's take a look at the summer to-do list, shall we?
Overall, I thought this summer was pretty productive, loud, and (sometimes) loooooooong.
Overall, I thought this summer was pretty productive, loud, and (sometimes) loooooooong.
1. MASTERS- Check!
I finished both classes with an A and am 2 classes away from being finished! The classes this summer were ok, one was way over my head but I must have done enough BS-ing to make is seem like I knew what I was talking about? I don't know, but it's done!
I believed I promised you all a toilet and a sink by the end of the summer, and unfortunately I'm only able to deliver on half of that. The toilet is in, but the sink that we bought (3 years ago) isn't gong to work. It needs some backing behind the drywall and we don't have room due to a vent pipe. So, we are looking for a new sink or a different way to install the sink we have and still waiting on a kid-free weekend to start the shower. We did get the decorative molding up, installed the lights, and patched the hole from the medicine cabinet so that's something!
3. PAINTING- No, nope, not even a little.
I need some inspiration to get this started....
4. BLURB BOOKS- Nope, not even a little, no.
OMG, what did I do this summer? Maybe I was't as productive as I thought? Why do I make these lists?
5. SHOWER BEFORE 10- Okay, I did this one!
Probably my easiest task of the summer. Being up and ready was helpful on several occasions.
What a fun and busy summer she had! June was crazy. She had Dance on Tuesdays, Gymnastics on Wednesdays, and T-ball on Thursdays. Gymnastics was the only thing she did in July, which was nice. She enjoyed all of them, but says she liked t-ball the most. She's going to continue dance in DC this fall and was glad we were going to a different studio. She said the teacher was mean? It will be easier in David City anyway.
We also went swimming A TON! Mostly in June and the beginning of July. I got a little lazy toward the end of summer when Turk wasn't sleeping very well. They both enjoyed to pool and I liked it too!
7. OTHER HOUSE STUFF- not so much.
I cleaned out some closets, but not that much. I was hoping to get the doors or the countertop done but it seemed silly to start that with the bathroom still in progress.
Other summer activities- A girl's trip to Dallas, played with the daycare kids next door, played in the kids pool, online shopping :), a really fun wedding, swimming with Aunt Jennie in Lincoln, spent time with my college roommates and their kids, lots of time on the swing set, Robert's anniversary party, went bowling (twice), a girls trip to the zoo, back to school shopping with my mom, played my sixth year of sand volleyball with the Wilcheson volleyball team, walked in the David City parade and went to the fair, a trip to Chicago, went shopping in Omaha with friends, and lots of Nola and Turk time!

Wilcheson Volleyball team

Good bye summer! Can't wait to see you again!

Wilcheson Volleyball team
The children of C18

Good bye summer! Can't wait to see you again!
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